Star Wars Galaxys Edge REY, ANAKIN AND LUKE SKYWALKER Legacy Lightsaber. THIS HAS ONLY BEEN DISPLAYED AND KEPT IN CASE. THERE IS SOME STICKER RESIDUE FROM WHERE THEY WERE REMOVED. THERE IS NO PLASTIC PIECE IN THE EMITTER. I HAVE PROVIDED RAW PHOTOS OF THE ITEM YOU WILL BE RECEIVING. The Legacy Series Lightsabers are an exclusive to at Dok Ondars Den of Antiques at Disney’ Star Wars Galaxies Edge Theme park. This Rey Lightsaber is the replica from the movie. Revenge of the Sith. A New Hope. Empire Strikes Back. The Force Awakens. Rey Legacy Lightsaber Hilt. No blade and no stand. This is must have for any Star Wars fan or collector. If you have any questions please contact me. May the Force be with you.