We are downsizing our Droid Army. If you can’t get to Disney’s Galaxy’s Edge to Build Your Own Remote / App controlled BB unit / astromech, here’s your chance. This is for one BB unit Droid. Pick a body and then pick the head. I can even switch the bottom color of the head if you want. Manufactured by Industrial Automaton, the BB-series was an evolution of ball-shaped droids used near the end of the Galactic Civil War, such as prototype therapy droids like QT-9, who saw service assisting New Republic veterans on Hosnian Prime following the Battle of Endor. Some of these pieces are retired and no longer available at Droid Depot. There may be more available than what is pictured. Please ask if you are looking for something in particular. #BB-9E #BB-8 #CB-23 #CB-6B.