TODAY YOU HAVE ENCOUNTERED AN UNCOMMON SPECTACLE. IN THIS VIAL LIES A RARE BLACK KYBER CRYSTAL, IMBLIED WITH THE POWER OF THE DARKSIDE. DARTH SIDIOUS, WHO LIVED WITHIN A CLONED VESSEL, HAS MOVED TO ESTABLISH THE FINAL ORDER TO END THE JEDI ONCE AND FOR ALL. WHEN PLACED INSIDE A LIGHTSABER OR HOLOCRON, THE POWER OF THIS BLACK KYBER CRYSTAL WILL CONNECT THROUGH THE FORCE AND ILLUMINATE. The unmistakable glow of the red Kyber crystal is known and feared throughout the galaxy for it powers the Lightsabers and Holocrons belonging to the Sith, and helps link them to the dark side of the Force. This rare black chase Kyber crystal shines red when inserted into a lightsaber. Inspired by the Star Wars saga, this rare black Kyber crystal (Series 2) comes in a detailed capsule featuring Aurebesh text. Put it in place and hear the lessons of the Sith, but beware the power of the dark side. Detailed replica of Kyber crystal (Series 2). Capsule has Aurebesh lettering. Sounds include the voice of Darth Sidious. Inspired by the Star Wars saga. The Force works in mysterious ways. If you place this Kyber Crystal inside a Series 1 Sith Holocron, you will unlock Darth Vader. Kyber Crystals only work in custom Lightsabers that have been built in the Disney Parks.